

Category  Illustration
Oct 2016

Dribbble.com is a website for graphic designers to connect, showcase their recent work, and show off their various skills. As a fun, self-initiated project, I designed a series of product packaging concepts and graphic illustrations that turned dribbble designers into action figures.

Self Portrait

As a designer, there is always a struggle to remain transparent in my work. The term “Form Follows Function” is one of the most enduring phrases taught throughout art school, and it’s a principle I live by in my career.

While producing functional and non-interpretive work is very fulfilling, every now and then it’s nice to let loose and be fully expressive in a design piece. This project provided a much needed break from the clinical, functional design world.


The Dribbble Action Figure packaging design was a fun addition to this personal project. It allowed me to explore some product packaging design, dive deeper into the Dribbble brand, and push my vector illustration to a new level.

The concept here was to create an action figure for myself, then inspire other designers to join in and create an action figure illustration that represented them. Each designer has their own art style, process, and individuality.

Putting the various designer figures into the same packaging helps to unify the unique styles all under one umbrella “brand”, but also bring the individuality of each piece into the spotlight.

The Claw is our Master…

Dribbble is an invite only design community. Once you’re a part of the community, you may be given the opportunity to “draft” other designers. Once I received some invitations to give away, I illustrated this claw machine. The claw tied in with the action figure theme, and was also really fun to stylize as a Dribbble product.


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