
Ecofit H2O

Category  Print
December 2020

EcoFit H2O is a brand new Fitness & Wellness water that uses clean ingredients to deliver healthy hydration that tastes great. Working with the founder of the Ecofit product, I designed label wraps for the full flavor lineup, backdrop designs for tradeshows, and a brochure for marketing the new product.

Initial label concepts

When the founder of Ecofit reached out to me about a label design, I knew I needed to present a wide array of options to help us narrow down the design direction. During our initial conversation, I received numerous sample images from the client, showing bottle designs he liked with different design elements highlighted. The three initial concepts I presented aimed to emulate the best parts of the client’s design samples while each highlighting a unique design path forward.

Final label wrap designs

After seeing the initial label wrap concepts, the Ecofit team really liked each of the directions, but had a clear opinion on the winning design. Once the direction was clear, the remaining work was all about refining the design, expanding to fit each of the 6 flavors, and ensuring technical details like nutrition facts and ingredients were properly listed.

Marketing brochure

After finishing the label wrap design, I worked with Ecofit to craft a professional, compelling marketing piece in a multi-page brochure format. The brochure was formatted for both web and print delivery, allowing the team to send via email or deliver in person.


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